TV Party
Mobile iOS App
Project Details
Overview: Successfully led a redesign of the tvParty mobile app for iOS. Helped to define key focus areas and data-centered goals that led to increases in user activity and organic growth through content sharing. User testing showed a 32.2% reduction in users being "lost" in the app, and a 19.3% increase in total app engagement. Since this is a social app, word of improved usability spread quickly, resulting in an app download rate increase of 5x the previous 6 month average.
The Problem: Everybody loves talking about the most recent episode of the show they're watching. Its fun hearing about fan theories and opinions, but fans have no platform to interact with eachother in this way. TV Party fills that niche, creating a community of "TV fans" where these discussions can take place. Users can also live stream their own content, and actors in shows can interact with their fans as influencers on the platform. Prior to the redesign, this full vision was not completely built out, and the visuals were falling short of what I would consider a polished final product.
The Problem: Everybody loves talking about the most recent episode of the show they're watching. Its fun hearing about fan theories and opinions, but fans have no platform to interact with eachother in this way. TV Party fills that niche, creating a community of "TV fans" where these discussions can take place. Users can also live stream their own content, and actors in shows can interact with their fans as influencers on the platform. Prior to the redesign, this full vision was not completely built out, and the visuals were falling short of what I would consider a polished final product.
Who are our users?
Before making any changes to this app, the team and I mapped out several personas and their user journeys. By interviewing existing users, we were able to piece together a solid picture of who the typical user is, what they want from the app, and how they currently use it.
A Better Experience
Upon launching these updates, we saw significant lift to engagement within the app. Engagement on live streamers increased ~24%, and we had a ~35% increase in users live streaming themselves. The rate of growth that the app saw skyrocketed by 5x after the redesign, and we received a ton of positive feedback from superusers.